Tuesday 20 September 2011

Shits and giggles

Well! When it comes to photoshop and related programmes, I am a complete and utter failure! Today I had my first ever lesson in using illustrator. This..thing is the result of my hard and frustrating labour. I think I shall be avoiding it like the plague in future! 

Monday 19 September 2011

And some more.

For a new project we had to draw a character and add an adjective from a list to the character. One of the things we had to draw was a 'decorative owl'. First I drew the owl and planned on sticking some fancy patterns on him but then I decided he'd look much better with a pair of funky earrings. He's a suave little fellow isn't he?


A wee bit more uni work

SO! I need to stop drawing cartoons! This is my last! (It probably wont be)